SaaStribune Lifetime Deal (LTD) Talk!
Caution: Try to avoid FOMO, buy only if you really need it.
Introducing: MetaSurvey Lifetime Deal (LTD) Software!
- MetaSurvey is a game-like survey generator. Build out NPS, Emoji and Tinder-style surveys to collect feedback and make your customers feel heard.
- Product Feedback – Swipe interaction for fast products review. Tinder-style cards boost completion rate to 88%.
- Quality of Service – Get your customer’s opinion on checkout and shipment. Use Likert scale and comments.
Price Setting (Market Fit) – Know how much money customers are willing to pay for your products. Use multiple choice to find out.
Customer Satisfaction – Use NPS score to learn how satisfied your customers are, and if they are willing to recommend you?
Let’s see the features that can attract you in a nutshell….
- Gamification is still a buzzword today as we seem to all have engagement rates top of mind. But what does survey gamification really mean?
- Done correctly, gamified surveys can be an effective way to engage your customers to giving more feedback in a more enjoyable experience.
- MetaSurvey started as a small project with a single objective: to let companies know why their customers churn. Eventually we created a platform, that helps product owners build a better product and improve customer retention.
- Now, MetaSurvey has transformed into a more versatile survey instrument with multiple use cases. You can use MetaSurvey to acquire product feedback, obtain market research, initiate NPS surveys in mobile games and gather exit surveys. You can also create anonymous surveys in just 1 min. It’s fast and enjoyable!
Stop creating a product for yourself. Find out what your customers really need and demand. Collect & prioritize feature requests and wish list.
To learn more, please visit here:
Happy Marketing!
Disclaimer: The source of this content with product details originally published on